Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ways To Improve Your Fishing

By Todd Wilkinson

Fishing is an activity that has been around for thousands of years. There are some cultures that base their diet entirely on things caught in lakes, rivers, and oceans. Fishing is more than just a popular way to obtain food. It is an extremely popular outdoor sport, although the word sport implies that rigorous and physically demanding work will be put into it. Fishing is more of a way for people to relax and unwind. There are a lot of people out there that do not take fishing too seriously. However, if you are a budding fisherman that is looking to improve their game, then here are some methods you should put to good use, and some methods you should avoid like the plague.

The obvious first step you need to take to become a good fisherman is to get your fishing license. And once you get that out of the way, you need to do a little bit of homework. This may seem to undermine the whole idea of fishing being a fun activity, but it is definitely worth it. You need to specifically do research about the bodies of water in your area. Whether you are fishing in the ocean, in a river, or in a lake, you should study up on the kinds of fish that live in your area. A good shortcut for this is to ask other fishermen.

After you learn what kind of fish are in your area, you need to consider what kind of bait you need to use to catch the fish that you want. Do not make the mistake that many first time fisherman do by assuming that a worm and a hook are all it takes. Granted, you can catch fish that way, people do it all the time, but you will not necessarily get the best fish possible with it. You need to learn what that fish likes to eat and use that for bait, or at least something close to it since certain types of baits are illegal.

Now on to the subject of equipment. If you feel like going out and spending a lot of money on what you think might be the best rod and reel on the planet, then go ahead, but it will not make you any better at fishing. A lot of experts would agree that working your way up to a better pole and just practicing is the best way to go about it. Developing your skills as a fisherman is half of the fun of fishing. But if you are only looking to be a casual fisherman anyway, then buying an expensive reel is relatively pointless anyhow.

There are some fishing methods that sound inventive, even potentially fun. Some of these methods are also illegal. Take electro-fishing for example. Electro-fishing is the practice of running a current into the water that you are fishing in, usually using a car battery to supply the current, and then waiting on the electricity to hit the fish, usually killing them. This is illegal because it does not kill fish, but other wild life in the area, which is harmful to the environment. There is a similar method that involves explosives. These are highly illegal methods that should never be used and are generally frowned upon in the fishing community.

If you want to be a great fisherman, then the extra amount of research and work you put into it will pay off. All you have to do is put these tips to good use and you will be amazed at the number of fish you catch. You will never have to tell stories of the "one that got away."

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