Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Snapper Fishing Port Phillip Bay

By Beatrice Nelson

The snappers are a type of fish. In this snapper fishing Port Phillip Bay the snapper fish is the common one caught there. There are various types of snappers. For example the Red snappers which are mostly fished in the Port Phillip Bay. Also there is the Australasian snappers.

The creatures are often caught by use of very simple methods. The creatures are caught by baiting the fishing rods and then the rods are then cast into the water waiting for the fish to come around. The best time to catch them is during the rainy season.

The ways of catching these creatures are more advantageous when the bay is calm and also when there is a cool breeze with no distractions. For those who would want to capture them easily they consider it during September to the month of May. It is the best time because its the rainy season.

Just like humans, they also migrate from one bay to another. The migration does not start with all of them it starts with one and then finally a school is developed. The migration is due to the rise of the urge to breed. The number of fish entering the bay at times is so large that it is referred to the Red tide.

In this bay there should be factors which encourage them to move into it. Some of these issues include the weather pattern, the availability of food and also the space. These factors if available encourage them to come into the bay. These issues do affect the growing and feeding habits of these creatures.

This creatures are mostly the Red ones also known as the Big red is found at the snapper fishing Port Phillip Bay since it has the various conditions and the factors needed for the survival of these creatures. The fishermen of these types of fish are skilled and they also offer lessons to those who would want to learn how to fish the snapper fish. snapper fishing port phillip bay

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