Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mustad Fish Hooks Are Well-Known & Highly Respected All Over The Globe

By Therese Short

Mustad fish hooks are known around the world by amateur and professional anglers alike. The company and its many angling products enjoy legendary status. These products include live bait, treble, big game, circle and many, many other metal-based tackle items. They are all famous for their excellent value, incorporating both long durability and superior quality.

The firm is a proud, family run company headquartered in the small Norwegian village called Gjovik. Its history goes back to 1843 when Ole Mustad purchased a wire and nail factory from his then deceased father-in-law. In those years, Gjovik was isolated and remote, often cut-off from other towns since roads were badly bad. Transportation to and from the village was not easy. Out of sheer necessity, the village worked to achieve a large measure of self-sufficiency.

Driven by this pioneering desire for self-sufficiency, Ole lead his company to diversify production beyond house nails and fencing wire. The company began producing a wider range of small, metal products like pins, paper clips and horseshoe nails, to mention just a few.

The company lacked cash flow. It had to suspend payments to all creditors, including its workers. To stay in business, employees agreed to continue working with no cash payment. Instead, the company issued employees with debt notes that essentially acted as an I owe you.

The rapid growth of the 1870s was followed by damaging recession throughout all of Europe. Building activity slumped, the demand for nails plummeted and the fortune of the company evaporated. Once the recession came to an end, the company regained its strength. It repaid all its debts to all creditors by July 1882.

By 1882, the company was generating enough cash to repay all its creditors, including the employees. Out of those tough times, a company legend was born. Ever since, the family firm has honored a broader responsibility for its workers and their family members. The firm extends educational support for the children of all workers. That same pride, respect and dedication finds its way into all Mustad fish hooks made by the company today. mustad fish hooks

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