Sunday, February 6, 2011

Finding A Guide For Lake Cumberland Striper Fishing

By Juliette Clemons

If you are looking for a great place to go fishing and you do not like going out to sea, then why not try some on the beautiful stretch of water in south eastern Kentucky known as Lake Cumberland. For some great recreational activity, Lake Cumberland striper fishing is something worth checking out.

Striper fishing is all about trying to catch a striped bass. This is also known as an Atlantic striped bass, a linesider, a pimpfish and a few other names. If you are a new comer to this sport then this will add to your knowledge.

They have a silver colored body which is marked with dark looking stripes that run from just behind the gills to just before the tail. They can grow quite large to a length of around six and a half feet, weighing in at about a hundred and twenty pound, which one would estimate would take some hauling into a boat if you happened to catch one that big. They are said to be a long lived fish, able to reach about thirty years in age.

They are found in fresh water when they return to rivers and lake to spawn, but are generally a saltwater fish in the wild. Because they were able to live in fresh water they were introduced as a fish for recreation into reservoirs and also put there to control the Gizzard Shad herring which does not have much value.

To fish on the reservoir you will need to have a boat, some fishing gear, such as a rod, and the other things that go with it. You will also need to have the right bait and know the rules and regulation which cover the size limit which helps to stop overfishing of the species.

Hiring a guide if you are one of those people who is not up on all the information may be a good idea, as these people can help find the right places to fish, the best gear to use, they also have the bait to catch the fish and can show you how to use it. If you do not have a boat they can provide one of these as well.

Check out the services of these guides if you are interested in a great sport as there are quite a few in this area. You will find them on their websites on the internet and if you decide to try this recreation on this reservoir you should have a great time.

lake cumberland striper fishing

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