Friday, February 24, 2012

How to Find Big Stripers with Consistency

By Joseph Connors

Prior to putting a tube within the water, the most important decision an fisherman will make is selecting exactly where to fish.

There are lots of destinations around Cape Cod that will be worthy of trolling tubes. The rips of Chatham, the boulder fields down along the Elizabeth Islands, and the deep waters of Cape Cod Bay quickly spring to mind.

It's tough to beat a properly trolled tube and worm during the midst of a Cape Cod summer. However one slip-up that many fishermen make is devoting too much time trolling through an area that does not hold any life. Trolling tubes has a natural tendency to put anglers to sleep-literally. It is extremely easy to just set the rods in the holders, and troll along for an entire trip, looking to come upon a nice school of striped bass.

Kicking back and relaxing is great, however it is certainly not the most effective approach to fish the tube and worm. A significantly more proactive approach is usually necessary to find a prime location with a lot of life. Spending more time traveling around, and less time with tubes in the water, will often result in alot more bass hitting the decks.

If this seems odd to you, give Developing a Strategy for Finding Big Fish a read through, to get a greater understanding of what I mean.

Deciding on an Effective Tube and Depth to Troll

Once a location holding striped bass is found, we are able to then concentrate on discovering the most effective depth, tube size, and tube color to employ. The best way to make this happen is by a process of elimination.

I may typically troll three tubes when tube and worm fishing. The first tube is trolled off the center of the Miss Loretta, while the other two tubes are trolled off of the port and starboard sides. All three tubes are trolled by using leadcore line.

If bass are being marked throughout the water column, then a common move would be to position the port and starboard tubes at a precise depth (say five colors) and maintain the line running along the center at a different depth (say three colors).

Tube color and length varies according to the situation. The important notion to understand is that it is essential to vary your tube spread in line with the reaction you're getting from the bass.

For instance, if fish consistently prefer the 24 inch red tube on the center line (which was set at three colors) then it could pay off to change the 30 inch orange tube that is running on the starboard line to a 24 inch red tube. Switching the starboard line to a depth of three colors as opposed to five colors might not be an awful idea either.

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