Sunday, December 2, 2012

For The Greatest Angling Success A Port Phillip Bay Fishing Map Is Essential

By Lenore Bolton

Australia is know for a great many things, but certainly the sea and its bountiful creatures is one of the most widely known. While sharks get a lot of the attention, for many nations that consume seafood, the variety of available delicious eating species are a close second. Using a Port Phillip Bay fishing map, the avid and aspiring angler can make an surf outing into a dream vacation come true.

While the major thought about the ocean surrounding Australia for the world outside is the prevalence of sharks, the great white in particular, the great barrier reef is also famous enough that the tremendous biodiversity if the region is also well known. For nations that are primary seafood consumers, . The area is also known as a lucrative place for fine eating game fish.

The city of Melbourne sits on the shores of a very large tidal lagoon. It has attained world wide notice for the wide array of sea species it serves as home to. This body of water is not a true circle, but more accurately resembles the shape of a caldera with a single opening to the open ocean. This unique shape limits the threats to the fishery within by weather, and to some extent, by predators.

The opening is a mere 2 miles across, and the waters are there exceedingly turbulent, especially when the tides change, and only very experienced boat operators dare negotiate them. But within the protective surrounding land the water is calmer, almost like a huge aquarium.

In addition to the careful assessment and management of fish species, there is an active artificial reef program as well. After several years of assessment, it was established that the artificial reefs are environment friendly and helpful to fisheries. The program is expected to continue throughout the region, which will complicate a topography that confounds the inexperienced.

For those seeking to catch them for sport or consumption, the wide variety and reported quantities are an automatic draw. But with such a large and deep lagoon, it is not a sure thing that one will be successful. Planning and, of course, a little luck are the mainstays of any angling adventure.

Even of one lives along the shores, finding the so-called sweet spot for each species is a difficult endeavor, as the tidal lagoon is large enough and temperature and turbulence are different year to year. Having the knowledge of where fishes congregate at specific times is helpful. Local knowledge is clearly an advantage the novice or tourist does not have.

Thus there is are two winning strategies for those who want to strike out on their own and catch their fill. They can have a lengthy discussion with the friendly people who live there. Even more scientific, one can acquire a Port Phillip Bay fishing map and ensure a catch to remember.

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