Saturday, May 12, 2012

Santee Cooper Fishing And Catfish

By Cheri Knowles

Catfish, found to have originated from Southeast Asia as well as the European Asian border are able to breathe through their external covering, lined with mucous. This variety of fish does not have scales. A variety of catfish found in their waters are caught in Santee Cooper fishing.

A variation of this fish, known as the Blue catfish, is found in the Americas. The local slang for catfish over there includes terminology such as chucklehead. In that part of the world, catfish provide a source of protein. Catfish is regularly consumed as local fare within the Asian and European continents as well. While some indicate that the flesh lacks flavor, others comment on its succulence.

Chilli and spices are prepared with this fish, while rice is served with the meal in areas of the world. This fish is also fried after being prepared in the suitable batter, before being eaten in other countries. It was the custom to serve catfish during celebratory occasions as well as to mark certain national holidays.

The whiskers which are likened to those of cat, define this fish. While most catfish varieties do have them, others do not. The whiskers are officially known as barbels. The essential composition of their skulls identifies them. With Asian sources containing larger sized catfish, the sizes are varied between the species.

The male catfish has testicles that have a fringe resemblance. The female catfish release eggs through reproductive opening, after the ovaries release them. For others, the eggs are taken to the outside, through reproductive passageways that are found within the physiological construct of it.

It was the producers who dealt with locally grown fish, who introduced catfish into santee cooper fishing through trading. This trade was established in the period of the nineteen sixties. The bait used is live and the fish are heavier as recorded.

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