Saturday, December 17, 2011

Planning And Gearing Up For A Fishing Trip

By Jaime Rizarmaring

Heading out on fishing trips is probably the best bonding moments between father and son. It isn't just a hobby or a bonding trip, it's also a sport. Getting that catch builds self confidence. To make certain that your fishing trip goes smoothly, plan it meticulously.

The first thing is to find out your location. Where you are will affect almost all of the next few preparations that you need to take. Other than this, numerous lakes and rivers have particular kinds of fish.

You have to be close to the fishing site the night before the trip. If you are living in the city and your selected location is several hours away, then you might need to look at a cabin, lodge, hotel or campsite. Be sure to be somewhere near the docks since the best time to head out is before the sun rises.

If you are going to be on a place for rent, make your required reservations. Some well-known fishing sites might have fully booked hotels or lodges around it.

With the date, venue and location all setup, it is time to do your supply list. You need baits, rods, tackles, nets, and an ice box.

You will need camping materials in case you are staying outdoors the night before the trip. Tents, sleeping bags, emergency kits, portable stoves, firewood, matches and plenty of water are items that should bring along. But for the fishing part, you may have to bring gas, paddles and an anchor.

Finally, the main things to prepare are your life jackets and fishing attire. Fishing jackets like paparazzi jackets will do. You also need a fishing hat when the sun shines. Wear some light colored pants and shirt inside.

As for boat shoes, you may wear top siders for good traction. However you may also wear single cast boots that are waterproof, durable and have great traction. These boots are usually cast with leather, plastic or rubber. You need waterproof and weather resistant qualities from these boat shoes. To get the best boat shoes for you, try to look online and compare prices and features.

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