Friday, March 11, 2011

A short account of Bass Fishing

By Andy Morris

Men have been attempting to catch bass using a fishing rod and thread for almost three hundred years & it's held its popularity even nowadays. Bass fishing started off as a requirement to catch food to have & survive but as we got increasingly mechanised & general stores began, it bit by bit evolved into a sports activities that went far and wide.

Fishing as we are aware of it today with all the equipment etc began following the invention of one of the first fishing reels by a male in America called Ustonson. This was in the late 1700's and truly began the growth to bass fishing as done nowadays.

Over a 100 years later a chap by the improbable name of William Shakespeare Jr patented a level wind device, which was one more large step ahead. Approximately 20 years after that the Shannon twin spinner was launched & the pasttime took another leap forward.

One of the numerous publicly supported projects in the 1930s was the starting of the Tennessee Valley authority & it's mission to fabricate numerous new dams. Those made lakes, which were soon applied to create a variety of varieties of bass.

One of the greatest innovations of the 1900s was nylon. Dupont, who created nylon, introduced the light and easy to use nylon fishing net. They continued and made durable, lightweight sports fishing lines all created from nylon.

These all assisted bass fishing to develop into a great pasttime & competitions started with prize money for the best specialists. It got so thriving that in 1992 Larry Nixon managed to have over 1 million dollars in prize money.

You will find diverse kinds of bass used in competitions and they embrace the largemouth bass, the small mouth bass and the Kentucky bass. The largemouth remains the hottest bass used in tournaments.

Linking the 1950s and 60's there had been countless innovations in bass fishing which got out into the total pasttime from crafts to lures.

The reputation of bass fishing continues to mature and the pasttime overall makes hundreds of millions of us dollars each year. It is terrific for all the family therefore have a try.

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